Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Spray and Play

The kids have been BEGGING to go here again.  And though the last few days have been scorching, once we got around to playing in the water, the clouds rolled in and the wind started blowing.  

Most of these pictures are of Iris......

because the other two got chilly and did alot of THIS.....


  1. Tony Chestnut? Cute. How much is it to go here? Looks like lots of fun. You are having a fun FULL week. Kristin S.

  2. no, it was one of the Esther songs :) good guess though. and Yes, this has been a very full week! It's very fun!!! YOu should totally go with us one day!

  3. Was it really busy during week? And what's price? Sorry for all the questions!
