Thursday, June 2, 2011

Water Day....cause it's SO HOT!

We hung out with my Mom today, as we do on most Thursdays.....and here's my photo dump.....

Iris skipping ....

Lu got out and sat with Mom....she gets cold in the water pretty easily, poor girl!

Clyde enjoying the cascades...

Lucy standing in the "waterfall"

Iris pondering her long rule over her kingdom from her pinnacle rock....

Sherry and Mom laughing...

Lu chillin in the water again...

Who knew ending up in 5 inches of water could cause this much anticipation??!!


My boy's sweet face.

Lu's smirk ;)

Clyde practicing his opossum hanging techniques

Um...this is a cute pic, but is that a gang sign or what??

Mom took us to Sweet Cece's AFTER we ate at Ghenghis Grill (the kids' fave!)  can you say YUM!

It was a lovely day!!

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